We call this the "Ohop Uber" . It is pulled by a Kubota 5450 tractor. Enjoy the complimentary ride through the fields and up to our trees!
We provide knee pads to use when cutting your tree; this helps to keep you dry and is gentle on your knee. We also supply hand saws, as we do not allow chainsaws on the property.
We shake your Christmas tree to dislodge any loose needles and other debris that might have fallen into the tree while growing out in the fields. This ensures less needle drop and an all around cleaner tree experience! Enjoy this amenity completely complimentary.
*Some trees may not be shook, as they are too big to fit onto our shaker, Ex: our RED tagged trees
Baling a Christmas tree for easy handling from our farm to your home. Enjoy this amenity completely complimentary!
*Some trees may not be bailed, as they are too big to fit through our bailer. Ex: our RED tagged trees
We continue to have deer, elk, rabbits, quail and all kinds of birds call our farm "home". We coexist with all of them and love to see them.
This is a watering elf. Does it bother you that you can't see how much water is in the stand when you go to water your Christmas tree? Well, the watering elf solves that problem. Place it in the tree, pour in the water and your tree is watered!
If you need somewhere to put your Christmas tree, we have stands for purchase!
We have locally created fresh, full, beautiful evergreen wreaths.
One of our happy customers! All she wanted for Christmas was a Christmas tree. She and her family found their perfect tree and she wanted to see how we baled it.
We love to hear from our customers and receive pictures of their visit. If you have a picture you would like to share with us, please send it to our email address.