We are a family owned business situated on 20.7 acres just outside of Eatonville. Started in 2003, we started a life long dream of growing Christmas trees in a natural environment outside the urban setting in which most individuals dwell.
Established in the foothills of the Cascades on a site once heavily forested, then logged, the site is utilized by wildlife such as elk, deer, rabbits and a variety of birds. All varieties wander freely through the farm. Damaged trees may be seen throughout the farm, due to bull elk and buck deer rubbing velvet from their antlers. These trees are left in the field to encourage them to return to the same tree that has already been used as a rubbing post.
Ohop Ridge has been designed right from the start to give you the ability to capture the affect of a natural environment, while enjoying the opportunity to choose and cut a tree grown as a renewable resource.
Ohop Ridge has chosen to grow six (6) varieties of trees to give you a quality, 'natural' tree at an affordable price.
Please remember that you are bringing a piece of nature into your home; we shake each tree to remove as much debris as possible then bale it for non-damaging transfer to its new home.
Mike, Denise, and Nathan Roosendaal Delaney and Cody Butler 40707 Ski Park Road E, Eatonville 98328 (253) 820-0903